Sunday, June 3, 2012

13 Natural Tips to Relieve Migraine

Migraines or headaches that are debilitating and painful to make the sufferer very sensitive even disturbed by light, sound and touch up for hours or days. The solution can be obtained from the change in lifestyle, exercising and taking nutritional supplements.
However, in some cases, natural relief alone can complement conventional medicine consumption, help reduce dependence on certain drugs or even replace the function and role of these drugs.
13 migraine natural pain reliever that you can get easily around you as reported from iVillage. 

1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses tiny needles and thin to restore the flow of energy in the body. A review in 2009 of 22 studies suggests that acupuncture is at least as effective and possibly more effective than conventional drugs for migraine prevention.
However, the frequency of treatments needed varies for each patient woman. James Rohr, a doctor of oriental medicine and licensed acupuncturist in Miami said that patients who are committed and serious about doing a series of treatments will get the best results.

2. Yoga
Poor posture can trigger a migraine so that practicing yoga can help migraine sufferers. According to a small study in the journal Headache, migraine sufferers who practice yoga headache intensity is smaller and use less medication than patients who did not practice yoga.
“Some yoga postures can help prevent migraines and makes you feel fine although migraine,” said neurologist Carolyn Bernstein, MD, author of The Migraine Brain and founder of the Women’s Headache Center at Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, Mass..

3. Chiropractic
Chiropractic is an alternative massage therapy from the U.S. and Indonesia have entered into since 1999. If the target of reflexology on the hands and feet then chiropractic focused on improving the position of the spine that allegedly lead to various diseases such as back pain and neck pain to migraines, vision and hearing disorders, lung, and stomach.
Spine of migraine sufferers who ‘manipulated’ it will restore the flow of energy throughout the body. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine itself has been reported that chiropractic can be just as effective as some type of drug used to treat migraine pain.

4. Biofeedback
Biofeedback is an alternative treatment of migraine by using electronic sensors to monitor body functions such problems as muscle tension, skin temperature, heart rate and blood pressure.
With these sensors, the patient can be aware and learn to control his body in response to pain. Once conscious, the patient was able to stop or reduce the severity of migraine attacks.
I really like biofeedback and I think it’s the best option if you want to get pregnant and have a severe migraine. Bernstein who noted that many migraine medications that can not be consumed during pregnancy.
Biofeedback teaches several techniques to remove, abort the pain and stop the various processes that lead to migraine. So, biofeedback is a remarkable technique.

5. Magnesium
This mineral is an effective natural supplement to help reduce migraine frequency. In particular, this mineral helps stabilize cell membranes and nerve pathways so that the nerves become calm. No, in fact, people who suffer from migraines more often deficient in magnesium than those who do not experience migraines.
You can take magnesium supplements daily to prevent migraines, but you can also ask the injection from a doctor to relieve the symptoms.
To increase your magnesium intake, eat dark green vegetables, nuts and seeds as well as magnesium supplements of high quality amino acids 400-600 milligrams a day (many brands of supplements that contain magnesium oxide can be absorbed by the body but not well).

6. Butterbur
Butterbur is an herb native or petasites Europe, West Asia and North Africa. Butterbur effective in reducing migraine frequency, although not yet proven to help overcome the acute migraine attack.
Butterbur is also considered to be anti-inflammatory because it can cope with migraines worsen inflammation. How, you should consume butterbur twice daily for at least a year, said Frederick Taylor, MD, professor of neurology at the University of Minnesota.
Look for butterbur are labeled b ebas PA (pyrrolizidine alkaloid) because the content that occurs naturally in the Butterbur and are carcinogenic and hepatotoxic and should be removed for safe consumption, said Jeremy Mikolai, ND, a naturopathic doctor at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Ore.
The dose is 75 milligrams twice a day. But do not consume butterbur when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

7. Feverfew

Feverfew is an herbal medicine that has been known for centuries as a pain reliever that quality, but the study of the efficacy of migraine have not been consistent.
Feverfew contains an anti-inflammatory compound called parthenolide, but these compounds can be degraded easily and a lot of feverfew products that contain little or no active ingredient whatsoever.
Make sure the label claims the product contains parthenolide with a standard amount (0.2 percent or more per 50 milligrams of feverfew extract). Side effects, this herbal medicine can also increase the risk of bleeding and blood should not be consumed if you’re thin, pregnant or lactating.

8. Ginger

Ginger is known capable of treating the nausea that often accompanies a migraine, but research on whether ginger is not necessarily prevent migraines. It may be that ginger has a calming effect on the blood vessels dilated during a migraine.
A study of preparations containing ginger and feverfew (LipiGesic) found that both are really able to relieve migraines or reduce its intensity to a mild headache in 63 percent of participants compared with 39 percent of participants who felt relieved after taking a placebo.

9. 5-hydroxytryptophan
These amino acids can be converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in migraine. With increasing levels of serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks in some studies.

But be careful if you combine it with other drugs or supplements that affect serotonin levels such as antidepressants. Too much serotonin in your body it can cause serious side effects such as confusion, tremor, cramps and spasms. Consumption of 400-600 milligrams per day to prevent migraines.

10. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
According to one study, vitamin B2 can simply reduce the pain caused by migraine attacks. During migraine, the brain behind the decline in energy output associated with a migraine trigger and vitamin B2 helps maintain cell energy output, said Dr Mikolai. To prevent migraines, you need about 400 milligrams of riboflavin per day.

11. Vitamin D

Vitamin D may help modulate the immune response that affects the way you perceive pain, including pain due to migraine. A study of chronic pain patients found that patients who consume less vitamin D reported experiencing greater pain and consumed more morphine than patients getting enough vitamin D.
Most people can consume about 2,000 milligrams of vitamin D per day, although some people may need more, he added.

12. Coenzyme Q10

One study found that coenzyme Q10 or ubikuinon (CoQ10) is more effective in reducing migraine frequency than placebo. Coenzyme Q10 is believed to calm the neurotransmitter and stabilize blood vessels dilate during migraine.
But the price is expensive. make so much less coenzyme Q10 is selected, unless you also eat them in order to maintain heart health.

13. Caffeine
In some people, caffeine helps reduce the pain of migraine by narrowing the blood vessels, but on the other hand, caffeine can also trigger migraines. If the caffeine does not trigger migraines for you, you can try to combine caffeine with acetaminophen and aspirin to relieve migraines.
While products such as Excedrin Migraine or Bayer AM-containing combination analgesics and caffeine. But taking this product more than twice a week can lead to headaches due to excessive drug use.

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic is definitely one of the best ways to stop recurring migraine. It is believed that a migraine was originated in the spine. It is the misalignment of the vertebrae that can greatly irritate the nerves, which are connected to our brain. It is recommended by chiropractors to gently stretch the neck, and pay attention to your posture. If you are experiencing recurring migraine, it is best advised to find a chiropractor to stop that pain.


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