Saturday, February 11, 2012

TIPS to remove bags under eyes

Here are some useful tips to remove bags under eye :
·     Use natural herbs and supplements like green tea, some anti-oxidents may also hep reducing eye bags , because it is often caused by the toxins which presents in our body, so choosing right supplement may help the victim reduce these bags.
·         Exercises of eyes and skin are also needed to remove eye bags, the exercises help in more frequent blood circulation.
·         Use of juices must be increased, at-least 2 cups of strawberry and cranberry juice should be taken in order to remove these dark circles.
·         Drugs and other Alcoholic products should be avoided, because they causes many problems, in which having less sleep is also a major factor and if someones cannot sleeps as he/she should be sleeping, according to a recent survey, each person should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
·         Eat vegetables and fruits, specially in this case spinach, cabbage and all other green vegetable are helpful.
·         Some people cannot go out in sun without sun glasses because they cannot watch clearly or the drops from eyes starts coming out, so proper use of sun glasses while going outside is necessary, it can also protect eyes.
·         Specialists suggests some creams and medicines that are useful for removing eye bags, but these products should not be used without the suggestion of specialists.

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