Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Self-help To Reduce The Discomfort Of Flying

On the plane, the change in air pressure and inner ear disturbances often cause an imbalance in the body. This is why you often feel tired, uncomfortable when flying and even fear of flying. So how could you overcome this? The following tips can help you improve this situation

  •  Drink ginger tea: If the flight does not have ginger tea, you can take a few slices of ginger and ask the flight attendant for hot water. Ginger has natural anti-nausea factors could help you feel more comfortable.

  • Avoid foods high in sugar and carbohydrate :  before flying because these foods may cause you feel bad. You should choose foods rich in protein (meat, cheese) along with low carbohydrate vegetables to eat before the flight. Also, keep yourself hydrated but don’t drink any alcohol, as the atmosphere in the cabin is pressurized so the alcohol will affect you more than usual and could exaggerate your anxiety.
  • Bring peppermint oil: This is a good remedy to treat nausea and fatigue when traveling by cars or plains. Put a small bottle available in bags in case of necessary use. Otherwise, take some mint chewing gums.
  • Reserve a good seat: When booking, it’s recommended that you should choose seat near the window or an aisle or exit row seat for leg room. Don’t take seats make you feel uncomfortable and difficult to move around.
  • Try to relax: breathe slowly and deeply to get more oxygen into your lungs, you will feel less tired and avoid headaches. When flying, wear loose-fitting clothes and take something to entertain you or try talking with someone around you.
  • Try in-seat exercises like circling ankles and stretching arms or walk around a bit to avoid cramps and prevent your body from aching due to poor circulation. Occasionally move the toes, feet up and down several times.

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